Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Run From the Cure

Below is an extremely important video about how the female cannabis plant can CURE CANCER and the majority of serious human disease. This video, Run From the Cure, talks about how a man named Rick Simpson discovered that hemp oil (a powerful, concentrated cannabis extract) can cure cancer. If it sounds impossible, then Google "THC and cancer" and read all the science showing that cannabinoids do kill cancer cells. Also, I know three other hemp oil distributors, besides Rick Simpson, who have cured terminal cancer with hemp oil. This is no joke, and these facts will lead to a world revolution unlike anything we've ever seen before. With hemp medicine, hemp food, and hemp industry, this world can become something so great!

How to Legalize Hemp

Despite the fact that hemp is the most amazing plant in the world, it remains criminalized and denounced by the United States and many other countries. This is a crime against humanity, and so many people suffer in unimaginable ways because cannabis as a whole plant is not embraced.

To help legalize cannabis for all uses, including industrial, medicinal, and recreational, you can contact your local government officials and inform them of your support and the research and evidence supporting the full legalization of cannabis. You can also contribute to organizations such as NORML and the MPP, which are constantly working to bring cannabis back in to mainstream society. While it may not seem like it, the full utilization of hemp is actually the most important issue humanity faces; thus, the most important thing you can do with your life is to tell the world of this!

The Environmental Advantages of Growing Hemp

Hemp is a fantastic plant for two main reasons. First, there are almost an unlimited number of applications for hemp, making the plant the most versatile in existence. Second, the plant grows in such huge quantities that you have enough of it to supply all those uses, and it is very good for the environment while it is growing.

This is because hemp takes huge amounts of carbon dioxide out of the air in order to fuel its growth, and since carbon dioxide is one of the major greenhouse gases, growing hemp helps reverse global warming. The roots of hemp deposit CO2 in the soil, aerate it, and revitalize it, which is the opposite of what most plants do, which is drain the soil.

Also, when hemp is converted in to products, the process of doing so is characteristically “green”. For example, when making traditional paper from trees, it is necessary that many harmful and destructive chemicals be used. However, you do not need these chemicals with hemp, and this is the case with many other products as well.

Utilizing Hemp as a Biofuel

With the rapid depleting of our oil and gasoline resources, humanity is looking to alternatives to power our extremely busy world. There are many practical solutions to the energy crisis, such as solar and wind power. However, this is not enough to totally supply us with energy, and that is where biofuels come in to play.

The most well known biofuel as of the present day is ethanol, primarily corn ethanol. The downside to corn ethanol is that you have to divert food resources to fuel, and with many people going hungry around the world, this is not very practical. Hemp grows much more abundantly than corn, and you do not have to sacrifice the nutritional part of hemp (the seeds) in order to make fuel.

You can grow ten tons of hemp per acre every four months, and that is enough hemp to make many gallons of quality fuel.

Industrial Uses for Hemp

There are literally thousands of applications for hemp, not the least of which is highly nutritional hemp foods. In reality, hemp can be used for practically anything, and because it is renewable, it is preferable over many other materials.

Hemp can be used in place of trees for paper and building materials. You can build a house made entirely of hemp, and automobiles made of hemp are much stronger and safer than cars developed from traditional materials.

One of the most well known uses for hemp is fabric and rope. Hemp clothing is durable and lasts for decades, and rope, tarp, and canvas made from hemp is extremely strong.

The products that hemp can be made in to are endless. In addition to the previously mentioned uses, hemp can be used for paint, fuel, dynamite, skin products, plastic substitutes, and much, much more.

Who Needs Hemp?

Hemp is a valuable source of many vital nutrients, such as essential fatty acids and essential amino acids. These nutrients are necessary for every single human being; without essential amino acids, your body would not be able to make proteins, which comprise all of our internal and external features. As for essential fatty acids, they are converted in to endocannabinoids, which are vital to maintaining homeostasis, or balance, in our bodies.

Since all humans are basically the same, except for minor differences, the benefits of hemp nutrition apply to everyone. Without the important nutrients provided through hemp, we would be very unhealthy and function poorly. Of course, you do not need hemp to acquire these nutrients, but hemp is the best source of them.